Saturday, December 29, 2007


Happy Saturday :)

I haven't posted in a couple of days, we rented out our St. Thomas place and moved to a friend's house for a week. No big deal, but between waitressing and cleaning up/moving I was away from the computer. So sue me.

No picture today, I'm on the Man's laptop and he doesn't have any good ones. My laptop doesn't work at this place, no internet - and I broke the slot where a Sprint card would go, so you're all out of luck. Until I find a moment to put some pictures here. Blah.

Today I'm waitressing in the afternoon, and then we're busting out to watch NFL history. Woohoo!

I hope you're all enjoying your holidays and gearing up for New Year's!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome game! I was glad to see the Giants came to play. Hope you guys are having a nice holiday "break" so far. Happy New Year!!!!
