Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday thoughts

The Hannah Montana Show Fakes a 'Hannah': Trust me, all I know of this Hannah phenom is that she's the daughter of the Achy Breaky Heart singer, and I can still sing most of that song - so clearly I am WAY older than the average Hannah fan. Apparently someone found out that during the Hannah concert there is someone on stage posing as Hannah while whats-her-name rushes backstage to change costumes. This fake goes on for TWO MINUTES. That's IT, and now her fans are mad at her. First of all this Hannah chick is like a girl scout compared to the likes of Britney, Britney's sister...etc., so based on that alone we should only be praising her. Second of all what do you expect her to do, undress on the fucking stage? But then again, the average age of the crowd in this particular concert is, like, eight (not including the parents), so, like, I can, like, totally see how this finding could, like, ruin their, like, day. Oh my god, like, gag me with a spoon she's, like, a fake. They think that's bad, wait until some guy charms them into bed only to never call again - THAT, like, sucks.

Did I just write that out loud?

Britney Spears:

Marion Jones: The last time I fell that bad I took about six layers of skin off my knee. Then again I fell out the door of our SUV, and she's falling from grace, but still - you know it's gotta hurt.

The Writers Guild of America's Strike: Don't get me wrong, I'm really missing the weekly doses of my favorite shows - but I'm backing these guys. They believe they deserve better, they're making a stand - and the award show season is hurting because of it. So good for them sticking to their guns, and shame on the people who won't help to end it.

Britney Spears: Did I mention her already? She's the best reality show out there right now.

Dengue: Don't know what it is? Google it, it's transmitted by mosquitos and two people in our crew down here have already dealt with it. I want nothing to do with it. last thought for the day?

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!

We're getting our rowdy on tonight with our first football Tiki party. We've got anywhere from 10 to 25 people coming. House rule? You MUST root for the Pats. MUST! I'm completely obnoxious during big games, and it has everything to do with beer. I'm PSYCHED for tonight.

GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? There's other games being played? Here's what I'd like to see:

Green Bay/Seattle
: Favre's a legend, and everyone wants to see him keep winning - so for the moment I'm a Green Bay fan.

: This looks to be a juicy game. Eli and Romo are both decent guys, so I really don't have a favorite. I guess I'm rooting for a good game.

: This one is tough. On one hand I hate LT and the 'Dolts'; it was fun to ruin their playoff dreams last year, and I'd like to see Indy ruin their dreams tomorrow. However, how can I root for Indy? That's like rooting for the Yankees, and last time I checked Hell hadn't frozen over.

Okay I'm out, we have party stuff to go buy and we have to go make sure the neighbors know we're turning up the volume later and that they're more than welcome to stop on by.

You all are invited too, of course.

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