Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pity Party: Table for One


I waitressed tonight, got home roughly an hour ago.


I'm in a crap mood and not sure why. Maybe I do know why.

A) I have my period.

2) We were busy at the restaurant tonight; a night I could have happily not moved a pinky...and yet after all of my running around I didn't score the tips I thought I would have. Which really sours my milk.

C) I started a new waitressing job last week, and this week I was on my own. Between you, me and whoever the crap is in charge of Blogger I ROCK at this new job, but because of seniority nonsense I was in the shit section twice this week and I'm scheduled for it again next week. Fuck. Off. The good thing is I sit down with them this week to show them I know the menu and for them to ask me what I like/dislike. Here's a thought: I DISLIKE THE SHIT SECTION.

D) Whatever.

5) I mentioned the period thing.

I'm done with my second beer of the night and ready to pop a third. The Man is sleeping and my plan is to drink beer downstairs, play on the computer, rock out with some chips and dip, watch some TV, drink more beer and finally put myself to sleep and end this pity party.

God I'm ANNOYED right now. Whatever. I want to A) be down to one waitress job but B) I need to hit a certain $$ amount each week and C) with the shit section it's not going to happen. So I need to A) work it through next week and B) sit down with them to make sure we're on the same fucking page or else C) i'm going to have to keep both places and D) I DON'T WANT TO.

To FURTHER annoy I've been sleeping like SHIT all week. I'm having those awake/asleep things where I A) know that it's 3AM and it's sleep time but yet B) people are in our room waiting for me to take their order and it's awkward because C) i sleep in the buff and i'm sure people don't want a naked waitress so D) i end up leaning up on one elbow looking around at the bedroom and it's all fucked because I KNOW it's time for sleep and I KNOW there's no one in the bedroom but yet some part of my brain is all screwed and continues to nudge me awake EVERY FUCKING HOUR with this STRESS that people are waiting for their order. GOD it's making me tired.

And to make my immediate mood worse about 20 mins ago I saw a black roachy thing come crawling out from beneath the couch...then it went back under...then came back out - all while I was standing frozen with my beer saying to myself No no NO!!! See I'm not naive, I know there's crawlies around, I just don't need to SEE them because then I sit here and imagine them in my hair, under my couch cushion, etc. When I don't see them I can pretend they're all outside. But no worries, I took care of the situation. The last time he came crawling out from under the couch I dropped the (full) laundry basket on him. And it will sit there until the Man picks it up tomorrow.

Wow. I LOVE when I sit under the Cloud of Aggravation. It's really fucking pleasant.

I have to pee.



Anonymous said...

Our first night in our house in Hawaii we had THREE giant flying cockroaches try and eat us alive. The next day I called a bug man and put him on contract and he came faithfully every month from then on and I NEVER saw a cockroach again until the last night we lived in the house because the bug guy had been canceled and so the bugs decided "Hey, we OWN this place again." I was in the shower and one FLEW IN THE SHOWER AFTER ME. I left the shower and ran nekkid THROUGH THE HOUSE. The house with no curtains on the windows anymore. I am sure the neighbors got quite the eyefull. But the little crapper was CHASING ME THROUGH THE HOUSE. I hate those stupid things.

So I understand the whole laundry basket issue.

And hold the phone lady. How old did you think Hannah was? HOW OLD DID YOU THINK I WAS? I am only turning 40 this year! BOO! I was a statistic, it is true. Teenage mother. Albiet and 18 year old one, teenage nonetheless. You should see her right now. She has these fringy bangs and when she has no makeup on and a ponytail she looks twelve. The other day she went to Macy's and the lady asked her how old she was and she said "Almost 21 why?" and the lady said, "Oh. Because I was going to offer you a credit card but I didn't think you were old enough to get one. You have to be at least 17..." I think the bangs are on their way out, LOL!!

Soak up some sun for me and if I were there, I would leave you a MONSTER tip!!


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY have had the waitress nightmare. It takes like a month of waiting tables before they wear off for me. It sucks, because it's like you never get a day off from the job.

As for icky crawlies stories - this morning, I'm cleaning the house. I hear the cat and dog wrestling. I come to check them out, and notice they're fighting over something. It's a dead mouse. Shudder.

Anonymous said...

Worse than serving food naked? Teaching naked. Sure way to get yourself fired. And absolutely mortifying. I hate dreams like that. And I hate those blah moods, too. The seem to happen more frequently than just that time of the month.