Monday, January 14, 2008

Limin' Lizard

Today I waitressed, the shift was supposed to be 11:30 - 5, but due to a wicked slooooooow day I got cut at 3. I made a whopping twenty bucks in tips. And the guy at my first (and by first I mean one of three) tables asked me if I was pregnant. Actually his exact words were: *patting his belly and motioning to mine* 'Do you have a baby in there?'. To which I replied 'No, just a lot of food'. He was a local guy, and I think the girl with him was pregnant, and maybe I had my hand on my belly as I stood watching Sportscenter while simultaneously trying to will the public to sit in my section. Or even enter the restaurant. And then sit in my section.

Either way I'm sure our football party and drinking/eating my weight in beer and chips that night had a lot to do with my (apparently) bloated belly. And I'm getting my period this week.

Or maybe I do have a baby in there.

Nah, I'm sticking with the beer and party food.

Anyways, back to the photo o' the day.

Can you spot the cute little critter in the pic below?

Here's a closer view...

I spotted him while I was having coffee a few mornings ago. These little guys are everywhere - on the outside walls, on our deck, in the grass and name it they're hanging there. As you walk up the road you often here them skittering away in the grass. Every now and then one of them surprises me in the house. I don't mind them though, they're completely harmless, and usually by the time you've spotted them they're gone.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Cute little bugger. How did you not bawl when dude asked if you had a bun in the oven? That's funny. But you don't look preggers so it probably was the hand on the stomach.