Thursday, February 21, 2008

Junebug's Visit - Day Five

JB's visit started with a bang, with two big trips to St. John and Jost. Once the Super Bowl party was over we all shifted into quieter (read: less drunk) activities.

Monday we woke up, tired and groggy from the night before. Needless to say the kitchen, living room and tiki bar were a MESS, but that's pretty normal after a party so I wasn't too bothered. After a long time drinking coffee I finally got to work on the mess, with JB helping once she learned the system, a perfected system after quite a few parties.

Once that was finished the Man, JB and I took ourselves to Magens Bay to recover on the beach. It was a beautiful day, very sunny and hot and a perfect place to sit and read, or chat, or nap - whatever. We got lunch, sat some more, JB and I went swimming, sat some more while we dried off. T came down to meet us around 3-ish, and we packed up and went home around 4.

T was taking JB out to dinner that night, at a great place called Havana Blue (it's in the Marriot) and the Man and I had big plans to Sit On The Couch and Watch TV.

And that's what happened. I have no pictures from this day, but I'm sure you can visualize.

On another note - anyone else get a glimpse of the eclipse last night? I kept popping my head out from work, and after I got out I raced home to grab my camera and laid down on the deck to try and take a pic...but it came out fuzzy. It was cool to think that everyone I know, no matter where they lived, could see the same moon - and I fully understand the universe is huge, and I know how it works and all, but when you think that your bud in San Fran is looking at the same sky you're seeing in St. Thomas it makes you feel pretty small.


Betsy said...

Did JB ever think that she would be going on a dinner date during visit.

I did not see the lunar eclipse. The temp was right around 0, I peaked out my patio door and couldn't see anything and decided there was no way in hell I was going to go outside to see it.

Leah said...

It was cloudy and windy here, so I had a lot of there it is! now it's gone! there it is again! oh look another cloud. oh well, it was pretty cool when we could see it.